Sunday, November 23, 2014

Squealing with Excitement! - November 23

This is us.  Actually this is a very normal Asa activity, squealing in the floor, but today we are squealing with excitement for our friends, the Shaws.  If you haven’t read their story, the story of the little Gable from China, you are missing out on one of those extravagantly big God stories.  (Here’s the link if you missed it. ) Only God creates such beauty on the back of the tapestry and flips it around to show off his goodness to us.  I am still in awe at the sheer one in a million coincidence of it all (actually the odds would be much crazier than that, but I’m not mathematician), the linking of two little boys across the globe with not only the same cancer, but the same totally out of the ordinary treatment.  But that’s not why I’m posting tonight, but then again, it is. 

The Shaw’s have released a new fundraiser t-shirt (hoodies, long sleeve & short sleeve) to help bring Gable home.  If there ever were any tiny doubt in your mind that God cares anything but extravagantly for orphans, visit Amy’s blog ( ) or Facebook and your mind will be put to rest.  I just never tire of those tales of grace and mercy.

So, this is the t-shirt.  It comes in some other colors, but apart from the front design, what’s really cool is the back.  The back has space for the names of orphans that God has and is placing in families.  If you want to list a name on the shirt, just include the name in the order.  I’m sure at some point Amy will run out of space, but then, maybe we can beg her for a second printing with a whole different set of names!  And always, the best part, the $$ goes to bring Gable home.  We already know who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, but it’s also our privilege to help.

So, here’s the link to the to order.  Go ahead! It’ll make a great Christmas present!

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