Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sore neglect - Feb. 1

The word on the street is that I have let the picture gallery here go to sore neglect since the beginning of the new year.  My eldest son's roommate, Dennis, pointed out today that when Warren Harding was running for president after World War I, that his campaign slogan was, "Return to Normalcy."  I didn't know there was a history behind that phrase. Returning to normal has just been a slow reality for us and as the wheels pick up and spin faster and faster along that track, I think I have fallen further and further behind in updates.  I'm not sure whether to apologize or to celebrate that or both.

So, here are several moments in the somewhat normal, whatever that means, life of Asa, the wild and wooly toddler man with even wilder hair.  

Yes sir, we have a climber.

This was selfless taken while eating goldfish.  Food is now fun!  The favorite - Tilamook yogurt.  Don't try to feed him another brand.

This picture means a lot because we spent so much of last in the land of low counts, neutropenia.  Playing in the dirt outside was not a reality.  Asa now begs to go outside every single day.  And we gladly accommodate.  Yay!

Yes, a horrid, grainy pic, but this is the crazy hair with the sun behind it.  We absolutely cannot figure out what it is, whether it's truly blonde or headed toward curly, but for now, a good portion of it sticks straight up, even though it's long enough to lay flat.

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