A day in the life of Asa. It's sort of like our dog, Lucy. We joke that her vocabulary includes one word and one word only. Ball, just ball. And all she does is run back and forth to that end. Asa is like her. He just runs back and forth all over the house, interested in food mostly, utters only one word much of the time and it applies to all furry things of all sizes. "Cccccat." A guttural cat. Hopefully the cats aren't too germy.
Please still be in prayer obviously that Asa stay germ free and counts stay at a reasonable level. He had the shot to help with that, but the next week is often the lowest dip. A little more bottle interest today, but still down. Ate other stuff to make up for it. Pray that stays that way. Please be in prayer for friend, Caroline. She was feeling pretty puny today. Chemo is just stinky. Worked on getting ready for fall and school today. One day soon perhaps there will be some normalcy. We are planning for it.
Thanks today for some chance to get some of just that done. Grateful to see some fuzz on Asa's head. It's still pretty microscopic, but you can see it in the sunlight. Can't quite get a picture of it because it seems too much of a blonde or strawberry five-o-clock shadow, but it's there. Thankful also as it seems Asa's eye is draining better, a problem we thought we might have to have repaired. Pray for same for hearing. Thanks today for nice porch time, a break from the heat to visit with the

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