Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Surgery run down - June 11, 2014

Pre-op rundown for you today.  We had quick clinic visit with great bloodwork and a long chat with the surgeon. Asa is slated for surgery on Monday at 11am.  Dr. V and team will take out tumor and a margin past it, which is basically a good portion of the left lobe of his liver.  Liver regenerates, so eventually, it'll grow back to where it should be.  In the meantime, the body compensates just fine. Surgery should be 4-6 hours, but could be more.  Recovery should be about a week with first few days being roughest.  Doc assures us that kids always do better and eat better within days.  Hope so.

Please clearly pray that God would guide these surgeons and that the task would be straightforward and easy for them.  We have results from last MRI, but it is possible that their scenario is even better.  Asa will have a nice lifelong battle scar.  They also have to take gall bladder due to location of tumor.  Pray that Asa stay well the next few days and for us as we prepare for this. After spending 67 days in hospital and a few short chemos, you really have zero desire to return to the funny farm and our next days will be used some in prep for this. We will not be on oncology unit, but instead on 11 with unfamiliar faces.  Pray as we have to advocate for Asa.  It's no fun.  Pray for our troops here and their caregivers.  

Thanks today for good docs, world class surgeons.  We are privileged for sure.  Grateful for short trips to med center.  Chemo round 4 complete.  Yay!  Two more to go.  Thankful for camp and people who love us and our kids, drama and warts and all.  Thankful for handyman hubby who trains boys, stays up late talking.  Grateful for reliable transportation and job that accommodates our nutty season right now.  We are thankful for that.  Very.  Especially every time I'm chauffeured to med center.  Thankful Asa tolerates car seat and ate toast and cheese today.  Blue Bell gave him a tummy ache.  Or maybe it was his Bactrim.

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