Tuesday, September 23, 2014

To clinic we will go, again… - June 5, 2014

Proof that Asa does eat.  He gummed a piece of pizza to oblivion today.  Not sure what really got down the trap, but I guess we will find out tomorrow.  So now his preferred repertoire includes coffee, bacon, chocolate, French fries and pizza.  Makes you feel like a choice parent. Today was spent pining hours away in a cubicle at clinic waiting on docs, chemo, and blood.  You can see Asa by the door trying to escape the place.   Our sentiments exactly.  They're nice to us, but it's a prison and you're never quite sure when you'll be paroled.

Asa's neutrophil counts are rising, meaning his immune system is returning, though he did need blood today.  He's much more perky and colorful with extra blood. His weight is stable, still concerning to us, but stable enough for docs to leave alone until surgery.  Still, please pray he eats.  He's likely to food strike and grump around tomorrow after his in-house chemo.  Hoping he eats his bday cake, though.  Asa will be one tomorrow.  A special milestone considering he was diagnosed with cancer at 8 months.  We were told by doc today that surgery is scheduled for Monday, June 16th.  We will determine next week the details of that affair as we meet with surgeon.  He will also consider replacing Asa's central line at that point as it has been sluggish of late and one line of it has broken 3 times.  Remember the vest created to limit those problems?  I fear we would have replaced the line long ago had we not had it. Prayers for wisdom there.  It would be an opportune time to replace, but we are so close to being done that it seems like a big deal, almost overkill. Prayer for all of us.  Though we've done our time at the hospital, none of us ever relish returning.  Surgery will be a bit longer stay, a bit more of holding down fort and maintaining our own sanity.  Grateful we do have older children who ease so much of this.  We often wonder aloud knowing that we would have handled this trial differently when we were younger.  I know it's hard on them, but we are trusting that God will use this as a point of growth for them as well.

Thanks today for smooth sailing.  Kids maintained at home.  Tony had myelogram and recovered.  Andy chauffeured.  Appreciate and felt your prayers today.  Grateful for lunch provision, calm day at clinic.  Thankful for blood donors, people who give blood and platelets because kids like Asa need it, their lives depend upon it.  Thankful that God has so directed Asa's care and healing.  Thrilled that Tony had his own great nurse today who celebrated Asa's victories with us and actually knew who Asa and Josiah were and the biblical history in great detail.

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