This is sort of a picture of the downhill slope today. Asa ran low grade fever most of the day, was somewhat nauseous. Later in day it spiked enough that we had to bring him in to TCH to be checked out. He was also pretty lethargic for him, though he has given all nurses and docs what for since he's been here. They don't know what's causing the fever, but will give fluids and antibiotics because his immune system is so depressed from chemo and likely will keep us for 48 hours. Usually have to have 24 hours free of fever to release.
Please pray obviously that Asa improve quickly and they get to the bottom of this. Pray that we have good medical staff supervising and if they admit, that we have room on oncology where there's better supervision. We are at the end of this mess and would like this to be past quickly and easily. Pray Asa's counts come on back up so this is not so much a problem. And pray that our household stay germ free.
Thanks today for a quiet morn, even though we ended up here where none of us want to be. Thankful for teens who cook and manage things well. Grateful for hubby who always drives us through the traffic to get to the doc. And today we again enjoyed too much pie. 🐷

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