Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Med center torture - August 20, 2014

All this for a hearing test!  One of those days in the meds center.  We went to oncology clinic for bloodwork and Asa was livid because they stuck two fingers.  He left screaming and went straight to his hearing test raging mad, promptly rolled off the scale where he was squatting to be weighed and hit his eyebrow.  Madder yet.  While crying, we found out from nurse that in some confusion about times, that we had fed him too late, so we had to postpone the test two more hours, two more hours of a hungry toddler.😁 Asa finally fell asleep, at which point in time, the anesthesiologist decided he wanted to use Asa's portacath for the procedure, so we had to pin him down and access that. (If they had done earlier in clinic, he would have been spared holes in his fingers.) Asa finally went back at least 2 hours late.  Test revealed no real new changes.  Still a bit of upper frequency loss, but okay for the time being.  Not sure he can hear the birds sing, but he can hear us.  

Please pray as we have a sedated echo on Friday and Tony has carpal tunnel surgery the same day.  We would like a calm day, no confusion, no car sun roof stuck open in rain (see earlier post btdt). No dumb comedy of errors. Just general sanity would be very nice.  Pray for Tony's family, too.  His grandmother died early this morn and we found out before we even started this morning's adventure.

Thanks today that Asa's hearing is stable, even if our sanity might not be.  Grateful for big kids who make dinner.  Thankful for patient teachers.  Grateful for short time with hubby and that he escorts is to the med center even when traffic is a bear.  Happy that neutrophil counts are way up approaching normal now.  And that Asa shoveled a big dinner.

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