Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Home stuff - July 19, 2014

Asa had another fun day at home.  Oh the joy of lockdown!  Asa plays, gets toted about, is silly, eats lots of goldfish, just toddler stuff.  Mommy and a few others went Walmarting and came home and decontaminated themselves. Exciting life, but keeping it boring is ok.

Please pray that we stay well and rest well.  It seems there's always plenty to do to catch up.  We caught up on medical bills.  Still would love to see how much a liver resection surgery costs.  It's just fascinating in some odd way.  Please pray that we endure these final weeks well both physically and otherwise.  We get tired easily and the kids get cabin fever even faster.  Thankful for jobs to keep olders busy. Our friend, Caroline, is improved.  Still pray for Andrew.  It is hard when your immunity is not normal.  Hard to be normal. Hard to keep spirits up.

Thanks today for God's faithful and humorous provision.  Never a dull moment here.  Grateful for jobs and that there are many of us to hold the fort down.  Thankful for dancing and giggles and the repeating of the word "no" as a sing-song mantra.  Grateful for fun baths to relax.

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