Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Good eats, good friends - July 5, 2014

Whew!  Long, but fun Asa day.  Asa went on date with Mom and Dad to Mel's and learned to shovel rolls and onion rings with the best of them. That was followed by a mandatory trip to Lowes where he shared his bottle with a bird, tried to eat the plants in the cart, and demanded to be entertained by Mom.  Came back for nap and then impromptu dinner with friends, crashing after one too many of Annalisa's cookies.  

Monday is the day for back to cancer recovery reality.  Port placement Monday afternoon, Tuesday is clinic, ear test, chemo admission.  Just logging more time at Texas Children's.  Please pray that Asa stay adequately well. Colds seem to be improving some.  Asa has a few sniffles, but not much more and has been fine today.  Others better.  Pray that we stay germ free.  Pray for wisdom for docs and all handling Asa this week.  Pray for opportunities to visit at the hospital.  God has given Asa such a story to tell!  Please continue to pray for our friend, Caroline, as she has much ahead this week, too.

Thanks today for just fun! Good food was nice, too.  Good company better.  Glad for friends so local that you can't go to store without hugs and handshakes and long conversations, that there really are places where everyone knows your name and you theirs.  Grateful for good employment.  Thankful for safe kiddos and fun even in Texas summer sweat!

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