A day in the life of Asa. It was quiet (as quiet gets with 11 kids) at home today, until we were bombarded with reality of next steps with Asa. We will be admitted next Wednesday for insertion of a picc line or port, followed by normal inpatient chemo, expected 2 night stay, Lord willing and creek don't rise. Asa had a good day eating and drank some extra today, ate cheese and shared inadvertently with the dog, played and had a good time, revolted against grocery carts. I fear when all this is over that he's going to be a bit spoiled.
We would appreciate prayer for Asa as we decide whether to do a picc line or port. Some debatable issues both ways. Anything is tough with a toddler and we have such a short time to finish treatment. Continue to pray that Asa eats. His weight is a legit concern as he enters chemo again. We cannot afford to lose his appetite. Pray that these last chemos zap any floaters left. Docs expect nothing, but the goal is to get all marker numbers down to zero.
Huge thanks today to the Heart of Mustang from Wood Group Mustang. Through their efforts and amazing kindness and generosity of others, though we have not totaled the ever-changing amounts of out of pocket bills, much, if not all of Asa's medical costs are covered. Outstandingly above and beyond in a way that only God can orchestrate! A huge thank you to each of you. Wish I could personally send each of you a note. We are floored! God is good to us beyond our imagination!
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