Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Eating and off to testing - August 19

Houston, we have an appetite! Asa's appetite has slowly returned the past few days. He's back to drinking some bottles, feeding himself yogurt, not quite shoveling just yet, but definitely improved. Even a comment today on his color. I'm not sure we realized how pale he was much of the time.

Appreciate prayers as we head back to testing tomorrow. Follow up blood work from last week, followed by a big hearing test tomorrow. Long day. Please pray that Asa is cooperative for the testing as last time not so much. Prayers for our sanity as we have one clinic visit, 4 sedated testings, and a hand surgery (dad) in the next 7 days. And no germs. Even though we are not in the land of neutropenia, it would be nice to be well.

Thanks the past few days for a happy Asa. Everyone is very grateful for lifted lockdown. We have lived on an island for six months and it's been a bit claustrophobic even for the more introverted parties. Grateful for fun visitor and family time, even if it's been spent preparing for school. And, church. Thrilled to be able to go again.

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