Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Child dedication and no more tossing of cookies - August 3, 2014

Asa is improved today.  He got up and ate, got his final post-chemo shot, and threw up before we left for child dedication at church this morning, but after meds and even after they wore off, he's been a live wire.  Missed the pic of his throwing globs of mashed potatoes off his high chair tray while we were praying.  It seems the chemo after effects have now vanished.  Hallelujah!  He's still up and at 'em this evening.  He's been swimming (say yes to that port!!!) and run all over the house.

Please be in prayer that Asa's counts don't drop too low over the next two weeks.  We have a lot to do to prep for school to start, another set of wisdom teeth out tomorrow morn.  We go back Thursday for clinic and the next to last outpatient chemo.  All hopefully and prayerfully uneventful.  Caroline has a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow and would like prayers for that.  Pneumonia still lingers.

Thanks today for turning a corner with the chemo, for sweet home health nurse who comes early Sunday morning so we don't have to stay inpatient and be tortured.  Thanks for fun meals with kids, supportive church friends who have prayed, and precious Pastor Scot.  And, of course, we had pie.  Again.

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