We survived! Thank you for praying. We had much fewer incidences today of crazy. I can't say it was a picnic, but we are still sane. Tony drove into med center before dawn for carpal tunnel surgery. I drove team 2 down after, but first stopped in town to pick up prescriptions only to find they hadn't been called in, so on to the med center we went. We had the chore of keeping Asa awake and succeeded for all but about 15 minutes of our car ride. We picked up dad and drove his car on to Texas Children's. In our time lull, some of us went to oncology floor to visit Caroline's family as she was there recovering from an infection. Then ensued the wild prescription goose chase. Boys went across street to pharmacy to get Dad's prescriptions and they didn't have the drugs. Went down to Walgreens and their computer systems were down across the board. So, we yet again aborted our mission and went on to Asa's echocardiogram appointment early. I left to get a car and go down street to get Tony's meds only to be called back empty handed because they called Asa back early. I returned to find Asa getting prepped for echo throwing a walleyed fit. Thankfully he was tired, but he put up quite a fight before he finally took the meds and crashed. Echo was uneventful, thankfully, other than having an anesthesia hungover husband with hands in oven mitts who had to be taken to the bathroom like a toddler. Whee! We forged home through Houston Friday traffic, but not without waiting an eternity on valet parking, picking up our other car, grabbing a burger after the long day, and finally succeeding in picking up prescriptions in Tomball at the good ol' hometown pharmacy. But, it's all done and much less eventful than Tuesday. It sounds sad, but just glad to check the day's boxes of surgery and testing off.
We have one more set of testing with full sedation, MRI and CT scan on Tuesday. Thank you for covering us in prayer today. It was felt and appreciated. We do have clinic visits as well here and there in future weeks. Should have some results from this week and next week's testing late next week. The expectation is that cancer blood markers will continue to drop and scans to be clear. Everyone is very curious to see what Asa's regenerated liver looks like.
Thanks today for big kids to help drive and handle both their father and Asa. Glad to have the window to visit the oncology unit. Grateful Asa was not more difficult in echo. Thankful to be home in one piece and just resting with my mitted husband and bald baby.
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