Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Remaining treatment plan run down - July 21, 2014

I've been asked several questions of late about where we are in Asa's treatment plan.  I'll attempt to outline that here.  Please understand that we are always reluctant to do so because a common cold can throw this way off, but, yes, we are hopefully and prayerfully on home stretch, Lord willing.

Asa's treatment started late February originally consisted of 6 rounds of chemo.  Each round lasted 3 weeks, starting with an inpatient chemo, followed by 2 weeks of outpatient clinic chemo.  Somewhere in the middle was supposed to be the tumor resection.  And, as you all know, that didn't happen. Our counting of weeks got thrown way off and there was something snuck in there that we call chemo 2A.  Ever since then, it's been confusing.

So, we are just counting what's left.
🔆This Thursday, July 24 - clinic chemo
🔆Next Thursday, July 31 - inpatient chemo
🔆August 7 - clinic chemo
🔆August 14 - clinic chemo - last chemo

It sounds over then, but it's really not.   I'm not sure cancer is ever really over.  That's not pessimism as much as the reality that it is a never ending bunch of follow up appointments.  Years of them.  These last chemos are followed by bloodwork check ups, hearing tests (August 20), MRI and CT scans to make sure nothing else hiding, EKG to check for heart damage.  And if things look good toward end of year, Asa's port will be removed.  It sounds daunting, but the expectation is that all cancer is gone with tumor and these last chemos will knock out any guys playing hide and seek.  Asa's protein markers are good and dropping.  Those need to stay very low and not climb again ever.  

That's probably plenty to pray about.  I'm sure we would love prayer that germs not complicate matters.  It's still chemo, even if we seem to be on the mend.  Please pray that Asa's hearing loss not progress to significant.  And pray for us as we are truly tired of the med center, not that anyone ever likes that place.  We are grateful to not still be residing there 24/7.  Pray for our lockdown family, that we don't head too quickly to the funny farm.

Thanks today for big fat baby slobber kisses.  I know no germs, but you can't resist a kissing baby!  We enjoyed strawberry pie and pulverized cantaloupe and consumed a bit more bottle today.  Grateful that chemo tastebuds are improving.  Wishing Asa could be out in sun.  It's a chemo no-no, but so enjoyed others on kiddie pool today.  Summer's little joys

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