Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Chemo recovery and fattening up - July 12, 2014

Busy baby chemo recovery today.  Didn't seem to slow Asa much.  He's been a little slow on appetite, but going strong.  Thanks and giggles today to whomever mysteriously sent free Blue Bell coupons to Asa!  Trying to beef the boy up? We laughed! Asa weighed in at 21 lbs 9 oz at hospital yesterday.  That's up 3 1/2 lbs in 3 weeks.  Hoping his appetite holds. He was not very game for table food today as he has been of late. Didn't stop him from wrestling with siblings or making a game of tossing Legos.

Please do pray that Asa would eat well enough to maintain.  He's looking plumper for sure, but we don't need to back pedal in weight, strength, or development.  Pray he stays sniffle-free, that we all stay that way.  Pray for calm the next few weeks.  We are pretty locked down and it's miserably hot outdoors, so cabin fever comes more quickly.

Thanks today for good visiting with friends, for good jobs, for God's faithful provision, slobbery kisses. Grateful for cooking kids and pork chops.  Grateful that God is working out His story in the details of all this mess and continues to go about the business of telling it.  And naps are nice, too, but Asa is still going strong later than normal.

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