Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Blue Bell wins! Yes! - June 10, 2014

Daddy and Blue Bell.  Coercion to eat from a spoon.  We have noticed that the further from chemo Asa gets, the more his appetite returns.  He is nibbling at least.  Still desperately needs calories, but we like effort.  Asa has also mastered the words "stop" and "don't" which he uses accurately when being given his antibiotic.  The nurses are going to love him!

Off to clinic tomorrow for weekly chemo and pow wow with the surgeon.  Should have some details beyond the date tomorrow.  Pray for us as we plan.  This is a big hurdle, a big surgery.  God has healed miraculously, but that lump of leftover junk must come out and it does involve much of left lobe of liver.  Pray for wisdom for all involved, for good decisions, the best of caregivers, and for God to again put us where He wants us to be.  Pray for the homefront as we leave and camp and vacation laundry return.  Somewhere in there is Father's Day.  Prayers for others we know enduring similar journeys, good and bad.  You don't realize the depths of despair or the victories until you've walked the road.  Cancer is huge.

Thanks today for some relaxation, warm, friendly faces in civilization and Perks!  There is life beyond the front porch. Grateful for eating efforts.  Thankful for jobs, good friends, long term colleagues and music.  Asa loves Buble and Connick!

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