Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Muffins in mouth...and exiting again :( - May 30, 2014

Yes, I know it's a pathetic, candid pic, but it cracked all of us up with the look and what appears to be a set of eyes over Asa's shoulder.  And, also included...there you have it, folks, real proof that the child does on occasion put a bite in his mouth.  Spared you the pic of his gagging and barfing pumpkin muffin right back at us with the rest of his stomach contents a few minutes later.  😢 We also succeeded in getting a bottle in his mouth voluntarily today. He won't suck on it and he will absolutely not let us hold it for him. Oh, and we tried a smoothie.  No go. 

So, again, big prayer request is that Asa eat (or drink). Pray that he have an appetite.  He tends to be grumpy the day after weekly chemo anyhow, so perhaps we might do better tomorrow.  I feel like we all need to go to food therapy.  Please also pray for Asa's docs as we approach surgery.  Pray that surgery and what's left of the dregs of the nasty ol' tumor would confound them even more and that it would be easy to remove with minimal bleeding.  The liver is very vascular and surgery involves a lot of blood control.  Pray that Asa recoup quickly and hospital stays minimal.  We've done our time in the nuthouse.  Also, would appreciate prayers that we stay well and stay sane while on home lockdown while Asa's counts go up and down. 

Thanks today for drivers and helpers at the grocery store.  Grateful for eating attempts even if they were a fail.  Thankful that things grow and refresh in spring for our pleasure, even if we are in the midst of trial.  Thankful for scholarships, that schooling flexes, that some kids learn in spite of us.

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