Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Heigh ho! Off to clinic and fast return. - July 17, 2014

Clinic day.  Thank you for your prayers.  We escaped in record time today. Saw the docs, ordered chemo, played in the infusion room for a while, got chemo, went home.  We were out in under 3 hours. Texas Children's is great about being kid-friendly.  We sat and watercolored and Asa ate goldfish and played in a cup of ice.  Asa was covered in paint.  Sadly his picture stuck to another and didn't survive, so no pic for you to see.  Bloodwork was decent today.  Counts low, but not awful.  

Please do pray that we stay germ free.  Though we are on the mend, some of us are still feeling the lingering effects of that stubborn cold.   Pray that Asa's counts stay up, that his chemo would knock out anything floating about stray, that it wouldn't affect his hearing.  Please pray that at the end of these treatments that we would be done.  They will do imaging again and make sure protein markers are down.  We could sure use a break from weeks of travel to the med center.  Prayers for family as we plan and transition back to school year, college, etc.  

Thanks today for easy in and out.  Next week may be a bit longer.  Grateful that Asa has done so well, is eating decently, but needs to drink more supplementary bottles. Thankful for baths and splashing with a kid who couldn't have one so long, for paint, even though it's messy, for gracious people who go to the med center to minister to families there.  And fuzzy hair.  And good nurses, as long as they don't take Asa's blood pressure or wear blue scrubs. And friends who brought a frozen meal a while back so that was one less thing to do today.

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