Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Of bath and nails - June 29, 2014

Never thought I'd say this, but grateful for scratchy baby fingernails and baths.  Asa's fingernails and toenails have been a mess since beginning chemo, the worst after his chemo embolization treatment, but now he's gotten very prickly again and we are actually cutting his nails instead of watching them fall or peel off.  This morning I put Asa in the tub for the first time since late February.  He no longer has a central line and his surgery incisions have healed handsomely, so I could immerse him.  So good to feel like we really were getting the grime off him.  Chemo just is gross and leaves behind dead skin cells and there's always tape goo left from something.  Never felt a sponge bath was quite getting it.  Asa continues to eat well.  Consumed 8 oz bottle first thing this morning on top of other foods.  Scale is slowly reflecting this.

Hoping to hear from hospital tomorrow with port and chemo details.  Would love to see Asa bulk up further before we start this. Pray that his appetite continues through chemo. Please pray that I shed this cold the kids passed on to me before that starts, too. Asa seems to have only gotten that little touch of it, but I'm still sniffling.  One of little kids woke up and threw up at breakfast.  Not sure it is anything, but put him in quarantine for day and he is fine.

Glad again for normalcy today, even if it meant dragging Asa grocery shopping.  Thankful for helpers holding down things and cooking, homemade French bread and pasta.  Glad to have kiddos here tonight and sweet visitors traveling from afar to see the famous toddler child.

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