Thursday, September 25, 2014

Back from clinic. Don't know anything yet. - Sept. 25, 2014

Grateful to report an uneventful day at clinic today.  Good reports thus far.  Asa is fat and healthy and docs were pleased with him.  After months and months, we finally heard our genetic reports on both the tumor and bloodwork.  Basically, in very short summary, we have zero known genetic reason why Asa developed hepatoblastoma. It still remains a mystery. The nurses took bloodwork.  We do not have results yet from Dr. Kevin.  We will post when we hear word from them.  It appears that as long as the numbers are decent that the plan is to take the port out soon.

As much as we hate waiting, was grateful for time in waiting room today seeing friends and meeting new ones.  All parents hate clinic in ways, but in ways, it is a warm place where you get to know lots of people and commiserate in a way that only a cancer parent can, the joy of bearing one another's burdens.  Thankful for an easy trip and the hubby who graciously drives.  Glad that we were not there all day long, either.

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