Sometimes days at home are almost normal and you forget you are on the journey except that you have to attend to medical things like the central line. Today was just a play day for Asa and he tuckered out at his normal time.
Please pray this week as we head off various directions. Some will stay here, but others to camp and with grandparents. We visit the surgeon on Wed and get the lowdown on the surgery slated for Monday the 16th. Please pray as we prepare around here for that time physically and emotionally. Pray for the surgery itself and protection for Asa as the liver is very vascular and we are sure the surgery will involve a lot of blood products. Pray that we endure graciously through what is hopefully the final big hoop to jump through that will bring Asa's cancer to nothing left. Appreciate prayers for home-front as they hold down fort for that brief time. I think all here would like to return to some consistent normalcy.
Thanks today to hardworking menfolk. Grateful for children who are willing workers and helpers. Thankful for even bits of normalcy, that part of family got to attend worship this morning.
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