We are currently taking an unplanned vacation at Texas Children's Hospital, squeezing it in before school starts. Asa is definitely improved today with rounds of antibiotics and fluids and electrolytes, and probably most importantly, platelets and blood. Fever has stayed at bay. We have had a real issue with nausea, but I really wonder how real it is as the electrolyte meds are a total pain to keep down. We will be here a few days at least until blood cultures come back and Asa's neutrophil counts become upwardly mobile. We are imprisoned to a bunch of test results even if Asa acts fine.
Please pray mostly that Asa's counts rise and that as they do, Asa will stay well and not have a lot of symptoms of illness. Pray that antibiotics work to nip the cause of the fever and that we have no more lingering viral issues. Pray for nausea to stay at bay, that Asa start eating again, and for temps to stay away. Please pray for sanity for all. We are quite burned out of this routine now and tired. Pray our crew stays well. And sleep would be nice.
Thanks for your prayers sustaining us and kids holding down fort. Loved the amazing storm we watched tonight from our window on the 9th floor. We are thankful Asa back to himself today.
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