Well, nothing but M&Ms today. And bathing in mashed potatoes. Asa and food. Forever an adventure. Tomorrow is clinic day yet again. A whole lot to do in clinic and dad has appointment to have myleogram, so it's drag everyone to med center and sit and sit some more and sit some more day.
Please pray that we find some solutions to Asa gaining weight. He is hardly maintaining, but he also has low counts, making NG insertion questionable. We are hoping and praying his counts are on the upswing. As for surgery, we have an appointment next week with surgeon. Hope that they tell us a bit more tomorrow. Please pray as docs plan all the surgery out. Pray that Asa is adequately physically ready for surgery and stay well. Pray for our kiddos as they endure all this alongside us.
Thanks today for nice long talks. Grateful for good meals, shopping with girlies, even if we have to go back to get another bathing suit. Thankful for red balls and Cheerios and chocolate.
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