Asa is 11 months old today. He ate better today, took his meds equally as poorly. Spit. Buzz lips. Gag. Barf. Oh the drama! Voting for an NG tube. But he did eat banana bread and nilla wafers. Knows good stuff when he sees it. 🍪
Appreciate prayers for our family and extendeds. Asa's Uncle Clancy died too soon today after a short battle with cancer. He leaves Tony's sister, Amie, daughter, Sophia, and son, Daniel. It was a rough night and day for all and probably a rough week as we attend funeral.
Please pray for Asa, that he remain well as his counts drop after chemo this past weekend, especially as we have to attend family funeral. Pray that chemo is effective, that surgeons can do what they need to in a few weeks. Pray that little germs stay away. Don't breathe on my kids now... 😉
Thanks today for family, good family. Thanks for quiet times with kids on cool porch, boxes of cookies and Perks coffee. Thanks for people who really "get" cancer and know how to make a good taco soup.
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