A day at the house in quarantine with 3 dogs, umpteen cats, and 11 other people. At least an attempt at staying germ free. 😷. We wash hands and faces religiously and no sneezing or coughing allowed. Ha!
Obviously, seriously, continue to pray that Asa stay germ free. We will do blood work on Monday to see if numbers have risen again above neutropenia. We cannot do chemo #4 until they hit a certain minimum number. Please pray for us as we enter a long week of long drives, shorter appointments, and decisions by the docs. Pray for those doctors that God would be real to them. Asa has already been a wild case for them. We will keep you informed as we learn solid info from docs. Pray that Asa stay healthy regardless of the bottom line, tumor removal or transplant. His cancer marker numbers have continued to be great, but the goal is still zero, cancer free. Please pray that adenovirus continue to stay at bay.
Thanks for relaxing days at home playing, enjoying siblings and weather. Thanks for extra driver and return of yet more music. Asa just loves the continual state of music. We miss it so in hospital!
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