Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Stuff and puffs - May 18, 2014

Eating progress today if you call shoveling yogurt puffs eating progress and guzzling and drooling milk mixed with a bit of coffee out a Starbucks cup drinking.  Asa did down a few vanilla wafers and played at table with other food.  But, still, would rather have Blue Bell from the momma cow.

Off to clinic in morn at dawn for bloodwork to make sure they'll let us go to MRI on Tuesday morn. Hoping results will show Asa is no longer neutropenic.  Feel like we have a bubble child right now that wants nothing more than to pop his bubble because the world is full of bumps and bruises and dogs that lick him and cats who have ears to tug and all those things are fun!  Please pray for all our events this week.  MRI and CT scan Tuesday morn,  results Wed or Thurs.  If counts are good, we go inpatient chemo #4 on Thursday.  Pray for docs to have supernatural wisdom regarding tumor removal vs transplant. Pray that all Asa's counts, neutrophil, blood counts, and cancer protein counts improve.  Pray also for his little cheeks.  They still look so bad from reaction to his NG tube tape.  Have been treating but not a lot of improvement.  Pray for our endurance in driving this week.  A lot of appointments and driving with fussy toddler that doesn't care for car seats.  Pray he sleep or be suddenly enamored with car rides. Pray for our little friend, Caroline, who's getting cells in prep for bone marrow.  She's running fever, feeling cruddy.

Thanks today for brief escape to Oklahoma and hugs. Thanks for precooking and movie with the fam.  Grateful for snuggle time with big, littles, and baby

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